Tag Archives: SHADOW PLAY

New ReboundPress.com website!

Look at this beautiful website that David Hicks at Brandbot Digital in Ottawa created for me! It has both HUNGRY GHOSTS and SHADOW PLAY on it, summaries of each book, reviews, bio, and he set it up so that if … Continue reading

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My first two months as a small (very small) publisher!

Okay, so as you know, I decided to create ReBound Press after my previous Big Five publisher turned down SHADOW PLAY. We opened the landing page for online orders on ReboundPress.com on August 17. Here’s where things are at now. … Continue reading

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Thoughts on gatekeeping in the publishing industry….

So I’ve discovered since creating ReBound Press just how few awards my new book qualifies for now. Many of the same awards my various books were shortlisted for previously now bar SHADOW PLAY from entry because the book wasn’t published … Continue reading

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HUNGRY GHOSTS – check out the possible covers !

So HUNGRY GHOSTS, which was published by Simon and Schuster Canada back in 2015, hit the Globe and Mail bestseller list in the first week it was out (#7)! It went out of print at some point afterwards, but I … Continue reading

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The SHADOW PLAY book launch (with pics!)

So I spent yesterday cooking up a storm. I had decided (as I always do at my launches) to provide food and since I have an Indigenous character in the book (Charlie Pike), I wanted to do some Indigenous-inspired food. … Continue reading

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Tunnel Vision! (Front Page Review – Wow!) #ShadowPlay

This is just beyond cool: an entire page of the Ottawa Citizen (front page of the Arts and Entertainment section). Amazing!

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Ottawa Citizen Story about my new novel, SHADOW PLAY! (The book review Meta doesn’t want you to see!)

Peter Hum of the Ottawa Citizen wrote a great story about my new novel, SHADOW PLAY, and how I came to create Rebound Press, but of course, I can’t share it on Facebook or Instagram because, you know, Meta. So … Continue reading

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Book Launch! #SHADOWPLAY

I finally found a venue for my book launch today – Holy Toledo, that was an effort! A lot of the venues I used previously are just out of reach now financially or are no longer allowing private events (like … Continue reading

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